Tajmahal.... It's a Symbol of Love

Taj Mahal Is a Most Beautiful monument in India  this is situated at Agra near to Delhi. Acooroding to historions this ia symblo of Shah Jehan's Love to his lover Muntaz. its also called Mumtaz Mahal. Its a tomb of muntaz. this is contracted with full of rare marbles. Its also called 8th wonder of the world. Muntaz original name is Arjumand Bano Begumbut Shah Jehan called her muntaz. so her tomb was known as Tajmahal. She died in AH 1040. According her last wish shah Jehan built this marvel.

Taj Mahal construction was started in AD 1631 and it completed in1648 AD. Almost seventeen long years, twenty thousand workmen work hard day Nite and built this wonderful monument  tombstone verses was designed by Poet Ghyasuddin and Ustad Ahmad Lahauri is the desiginer of this great building they are collected materiel allover India for this lovely building. for transporting metirial to this monument over 1000 elephants were used.

Tajmahal centre dome is187 feet height  Metirial brought from Fatehpur Sikri, Jasper, China, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Arabia, Panna.


Visiting Hours: 6 AM to 7 PM & it remains closed on Friday.

Entry Ticket : Rs. 10/-

Indian History

Indian country history is belong to long long years ago. The Indus  valley Civilization is plays main part in the Indian culture. Major part of the  subcontinent was ruled by Maura empire during 4-3 centuries. after that Sathavahanas and Sunga kings ruled the subcontinent. Gupta empire and Chalukyas,  Cholas, Pallavas, Pandyans are plays a key part in development of the country. In this era  historians call as a Golden  age.   

Goutham Budhha,  Mahavira are inspired the generations with their speeches. Buddisam and Jainisam influence the subcontinent a lot. These two scholars wondered around the world and give speeches. After their death  disciples give their best. In this period civilization  culture, religion are widen through the country. Especially in between 8th and 10th century India is developed a lot. Hinduism and Buddhism grows rapidly. When Muslim rule started in 13th Century India developing very well. in 1200 CE Alauddin  khilji,  Mahammad Bin
Tughlug devolved a lot.

 Delhi sultans and Moghal kings  brought a new face to our country. After that Indian under  British rule  almost 200 years. On 1947  August 15th India  got freedom. Leaders like Mahatama Gandhi, Jawahar Lal  Nehru Fought  with Britishers  and get freedom to their country.

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